This is a professional ass coin made by a professional ass dev with alleged ties to the mob the yakuza and even the deep state and still the likelyhood of getting dumped on by him is pretty much zero to none but if that doesnt sound good to you then have fun instead losing money to a christmas themed shiba inu for the 4th consecutive year you bastard

a request
Just pull my finger bro. Cmon bro it would be soo funny just imagine what will happen when you do it bro please cmon you know how insane it would be if you just gave it a tug. Give my little index finger a tug or even the pinkie hahaha just kidding but how awesome would that be PLEASE bro I’m not asking anymore just pull my finger it’s right there and you never know what could happen there could be a prize or a treat or you could win a million dollars you dont know until you pull bro so why don’t you PULL MY FINGER what’s the worst that could happen. You die? Would you die maybe ? Is that’s whats in your head bro because I promise that’s bullshit nothing is going to happen except maybe a little something but it’ll be good I am being so serious right now if you were to just give this a chance it would mean the world to me you would never hear me ask for anything ever again bro i am pleading with you on my knees bro just begging like no shame no ego i bow to you with my head on the ground and my finger pointed right at you so close yet so far because you haven’t pulled it yet but if you did you would be so into what happens. You would love what happens if you pulled my finger I bet. You would love it and you don’t even know cuz you aren’t giving me a chance. Please bro there is no time like the present all it would take it a little twitch of the finger and there you have it but i need you to do it now or soon because I can’t hold out much longer I need you to be my savior I am sick I am in need of severe help I have a condition and there’s only one cure and it involves you and me and it’s easy it’s simple you won’t believe how truly basic it is bro just trust me you are gonna feel dumb when you see how easy it was all along you’re gonna feel so dumb and stupid for taking so long but it’s all good bro because it’s just you me and my finger and I think you know what to do but if not that’s ok. That’s ok bro no judgements at all because I’m here to talk you through it help you through the whole thing so here’s how you start just lift your hand towards my hand. Please I don’t see you moving your hand at all bro and you know that’s the first step so I need you to cooperate or just hear me out please I can’t make you do anything but if you respect me at all like even a bit you would do this bro just like think about how easy it would be just envision it just close your eyes and take a deep breath like